We hope that you and your family are well during this unprecedented time.We have missed you and we thank you for being a vital part of our community at VEGA Aerial Fitness + Wellness. We are excited to announce that we will be reopening our classes on a smaller scale basis starting June 20th.
We realize that everything will not immediately be 100% back to normal, with that said, our main goal is to create some normalcy and peace for all our students, while making sure to keep all students and instructors safe in our aerial environment. Our focus is to help our students emerge in a positive light and support them in their fitness and wellness journeys. Maintaining an exercise routine during this crucial time is important, here are a few reasons why:
Exercise boosts your immune system (Research shows that regular exercise has immune-boosting benefits that may help your body fight off infections).
Exercise may prevent weight gain
Exercise can help you burn extra calories caused by dietary changes and offset the effects of sedentary activities
Exercise is a proven mood-booster & can help reduce stress levels & build emotional resilience.
Exercise can help improves sleep
In reopening our Pop Up locations we will follow federal and CT state Covid-19 guidelines until directed otherwise. We wish to inform you of measures we are taking to keep you safe, and equipment and our studio spaces - clean.
We will have every student's temperature taken at the entrance. We will require students and instructors to sign and acknowledge they have not experienced any symptoms over the past two weeks and to inform us if you have been exposed to someone who has had Covid.
Physical Distancing During Classes. Class size will be limited to 6 students max in order to maintain the CDC recommended 6 foot safe distance. Instructors will also maintain safe physical distancing.
Sign Ups. To ensure class sizes are maintained at 6 or fewer students, pre-registration through the studio’s website is strongly encouraged @ VEGAAERIALFITNESS.COM. Drop-ins will not be allowed. As the class size is so limited, if students find that they need to cancel, they must cancel 4 hours prior to class in order to receive credit back.
Class Scheduling. There will be at least 30-45 minutes between classes to allow for hammock change-outs, cleaning of high-contact surfaces and to minimize contact between in-coming and out-going students.
Use of Props During Classes. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own yoga mats which you will sanitize before and after use, solution or wipes will be available in the studio for your use. You may also bring your own aerial hammock to class which we will set up for you. If you wish to purchase your own hammock we can guide you in doing so, please let us know.
Studio Cleaning Regimens. We will be doing our best to maintain cleanliness of all areas in the studio. Floors will be mopped as frequently as possible. We recommend all students use hand sanitizer and/or wash hands for at least 20 seconds before and after classes. Likewise, refrain from touching the face. We also ask that you wear yoga grip socks if possible. We will have socks available to purchase in the studio.
Face Coverings. During this time students are welcome and encouraged to wear a face covering while in the studio. Try to find a face covering such as a bandana, scarf, or homemade mask that allows for movement of the head and doesn’t restrict deep breathing.
Options for Classes. VEGA Aerial Fitness + Wellness will also offer private 1 on 1 or 2 person private Aerial classes which can be scheduled by emailing info@lovegafitness.com or viewing our schedule for availability of private class signing up. We ask for at least a 48 hour booking notice if a time is not available on our online schedule. Pricing for private class is located @ https://www.vegaaerialfitness.com/copy-of-pricing-1. We will also offer aerial classes to students that already have an aerial hammock installed in their home via the Zoom online video teleconference option. Classes with a Zoom option are listed separately than the in-person classes on the studio calendar and start with the word “Zoom” to help you distinguish them. When you wish to attend a live class via Zoom, pre-register on the calendar and a confirmation email will be sent to you with the link for the Zoom class. Zoom schedule + pricing will be available online starting in July.
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact @ info@lovegafitness.com
Our belief is sometimes you need a different perspective to open up a new world of possibility.
Let’s Rise Above It All Together